SMART+ Planon Plus Backlight with WiFi technology with Remote Control 1000x250mm RGB + TW + RC
  • SMART+ Planon Plus Backlight with WiFi technology with Remote Control 1000x250mm RGB + TW + RC
  • SMART+ Planon Plus Backlight with WiFi technology with Remote Control 1000x250mm RGB + TW + RC
  • SMART+ Planon Plus Backlight with WiFi technology with Remote Control 1000x250mm RGB + TW + RC
  • SMART+ Planon Plus Backlight with WiFi technology with Remote Control 1000x250mm RGB + TW + RC
  • SMART+ Planon Plus Backlight with WiFi technology with Remote Control 1000x250mm RGB + TW + RC
  • SMART+ Planon Plus Backlight with WiFi technology with Remote Control 1000x250mm RGB + TW + RC
  • SMART+ Planon Plus Backlight with WiFi technology with Remote Control 1000x250mm RGB + TW + RC

SMART+ Planon Plus Backlight with WiFi technology with Remote Control 1000x250mm RGB + TW + RC

90,57 €
Svetelný tok (lm): 1900 lm
Svetelný uhol: 110 °
Životnosť (h): 25000 h
Teplota farby (K): 3000…6500 K
Index podania farieb (Ra): ≥80
Stmievateľnosť: áno
Výkon (W): 30,00 W
Vstupné napätie (V): 220…240 V
Ochrana IP: IP20
Dĺžka (mm): 1000.00 mm
Šírka (mm): 250.00 mm
Výška (mm): 56.00 mm
Hmotnosť (g): 2500
Kompatibilita: Google Assistant|Amazon Alexa
Umiestnenie: vnútorné
Typ pripojenia: skrutková svorka
Záruka: 3 roky